On The Grind

We are two(2)months and 9 days into the 1st quarter of the new year. A short winter has passed and Spring is in the air.

The pressure to keep up with New Years goals, file taxes or plan for a Spring vacation can cause you to become fatigued or sluggish. Being “on the grind” is not only a popular term but also seems to be a requirement for the times we live in. However, nothing can work efficiently if it is not properly taken care of. No matter what is on your “To Do” list learn to pace yourself. You will be in a better position to protect yourself from making poor decisions, stay healthy and perform at optimum levels.

Work at a pace that you not only enjoy but can maintain. Take time to enjoy what life has to offer. Stop and smell the roses. New opportunities are best handled with a rested mind and a fresh outlook.

Nathaniel J. Ryan